The 2025 diaries range from Castelli extends well beyond those shown here, however we can specify suitable diaries once we have discussed your needs. Unit prices shown exclude vat and die charges, and include printing. This diary range is available in cream or white pages, and the pocket diaries can be in either portrait or landscape formats (no price difference between these options).
The diaries are often mistaken for A4 diaries, however they are slightly shortly than A4 at 260mm x 210mm. Quarto diaries are mostly in the weekly format, we have found one quarto daily diary, however it is very expensive and would suggest either an A4 daily or A5 daily instead! The quarto format is popular as a gift for managers and senior executives, and is also suitable for custom production with high quality leather covers.
Daily or weekly formats or two pages per day, these premium quality diaries are designed to withstand heavy use during the year. The daily diaries, two page per day diaries show appointment times and formats vary slightly between the different brands.
The most popular promotional diaries are pocket format, for corporate use this generally mean a week across two pages. An interesting variation is the notable format with the days of the week on the left and a notes page on the right hand side. So if you can make a couple of appointments per day, say, and then have some notes space to use at the site meeting. The comb bound pocket diaries do this job particularly well.